Upgrading to the latest version of Joomla
If your website is running an older version of Joomla (2.5, 3.0 or 4.0) and you’re looking for a Joomla upgrade service to get it updated to the latest version, we're Joomla developers so we can help.
Super-quick turnaround
We can have your website up and running in the latest version of Joomla quick smart. Our average turnaround time is between 1-2 weeks depending on the size of the website.
Better security
Running an old version of Joomla is a security hazard that puts your website and your business at risk. Get us to upgrade your website to the latest version of Joomla today to ensure peace of mind.
Change platforms
If you’re looking to move from Drupal, Wordpress or another platform to Joomla, we can help. As a Joomla website development company we’ve helped thousands of businesses over the years upgrades, support and training.
Faster speeds
We use the latest in web technologies to ensure your website is super fast. Responsive design, image optimisation, caching and compression all help your website fly like a V8 on the autobahn.
We have over 18 years experience using Joomla, so you can trust we know what we're doing.
Running an old version of Joomla on your website means you could become a victim to hackers.
We have a range of support packages available which means support whenever you need it.
Joomla upgrade + migration process
This involves us taking a backup of your current website, installing a copy of the site in a new folder on your hosting or server and then going through the update process (this keeps your current website running whilst we upgrade the site to your new version).
We can assist with updating the look and feel of your site from a completely new Joomla website redesign through to ‘keeping it the same but different’ (or giving it a little design spit and polish).
If you'd like a quote on a Joomla upgrade or migration, give us a call on (07) 3882 3375 or get a free quote.
We offer the following website design services:-
Your website development may include some or all of the services above.