Website admin and maintenance packages

We’ll make sure your website software is up-to-date and secure.


Don't let your website get hacked

Running an old version of Joomla or Wordpress means security vulnerabilities and loopholes for hackers to exploit – don’t let your website become the next victim of hackers.

We provide website administration and maintenance packages to ensure this never happens.

Why should I purchase a website maintenance pack?

  • Protect your website from hackers and security vulnerabilities
  • Stop security breaches from occurring
  • Stop Malware being installed on your website
  • Stop bugs and errors from happening with older versions of software
  • Ensure you’re using the latest technology on your website
  • Ensure latest versions of your modules are installed (slideshows, search box, forms, etc)
  • Ensure that the backend templates are up to date – reduces errors and bugs when editing

What will be covered under my administration pack?

Monthly service includes:-

  • Update version of Joomla or Wordpress
  • Update Editor
  • Update Akeeba Backup
  • Update OSmap
  • Update all other modules and components*
  • Update template
  • Fix database problems
  • Take a backup of the website
  • Upload backup file into your Google Apps account (or provide link to download)
  • Provide an email outlining items that have been updated

Call us on (07) 3882 3375 for more information or send an email to

PLEASE NOTE: If monthly service is not purchased then our rate for website admin and maintenance will be $120 per hour.
* Excluding subscription based products that Marketeam didn’t purchase.

We're on your team.

We’d love to build your next website.